
products we provide

Fruits Products

  • Natural products are a great wellspring of nutrients, dietary fiber, and folate.
  • India is famously known as ‘the natural product container of the world’
  • Natural products give supplements indispensable to the well-being and support of your body.
  • Eating organic products gives medical advantages — individuals who eat more organic products as a feature of a by and large solid eating regimen are probably going to have a decreased gamble of a few ongoing illnesses.

  • The majority of the organic products are filled in India including mangoes, bananas, papayas, oranges, apricots, grapes, strawberries, apples, guavas, litchis, and so on, etc.

Vegetables Products

  • Vegetables Excellent wellspring of nutrients. A great wellspring of dietary fiber and folate.
  • All vegetables contain restorative nutrients, minerals, and fiber. Be that as it may, some stand apart for their outstanding medical advantages.
  • Counting vegetables as a component of a smart dieting example can diminish the gamble of a few persistent infections, including coronary illness and type 2 diabetes, too stroke, and disease.
  • Vegetables are a significant piece of a good dieting design and are great wellsprings of numerous supplements, including potassium, fiber, folate (folic corrosive), and nutrients A, E, and C.
  • Numerous vegetables are remembered as the product of vegetables from India like Onion, Broccoli, Brinjal, Spinach, cabbage, Green chilies so on, etc.

Spices Products

  • Flavors are quite possibly the main fixing in Indian dishes. Indian Spices have been famous across the world for their extraordinary flavor, fragrance, and wonderful surface.
  • India has been a leader in the race for the product of flavors.

  • India leads in the creation and their commodities of various flavors and items over the most recent couple of years have shown a rising pattern.

  • Flavors are sweet-smelling substances of vegetable beginning got from different roots, bark, leaves, and stems of specific plants.

  • Flavors accompany eminent healthy benefits and give some significant medical advantages

Coldpress Oil

  • Cold-pressed oils are not just limited to basic nutritional needs, but they have several additional health benefits. They belong to the category of functional products and contain several bioactive substances. Besides nutritional and health benefits, cold-pressed oils also enhance the skin and give a distinct flavor to food. 
  • Benefits of Coldpress oils are:


Rice Products

  • It May assists with keeping a sound weight
  • Brown rice safeguards against constant infection
  • White rice upholds energy and reestablishes glycogen levels after a workout
  • White rice is kind with the stomach-related framework
  • It’s a gluten-free grain

Handicraft Products

  • Wooden crafted works are made by enhancing or cutting the wood to make delightful things. Each expert makes a novel handiwork as indicated by their singular ability.
  • India is considered a place that is known for its customs and culture. Indian specialists make particular works of art with various shapes, examples, varieties, and sizes. 
  • These handiworks embrace furniture, boxes, globules, finely engraved figures, embellishments, and so on.
  • India is a tropical nation and it has deciduous or evergreen timberlands. Other than the wooden furniture things, lovely toys, photograph outlines, and dolls were likewise made. The craft of improving and cutting the wood is viewed as quite possibly the most striking structure.
  • It requires a ton of difficult work and commitment to cut a piece of wood and make something novel and wonderful out of it.

Coppper Products

  • Copper is a basic supplement for the body. It assists the body with shaping red platelets and keeps up with sound bones, veins, nerves, invulnerable capability, and iron ingestion.
  • It forestalls cardiovascular illness and osteoporosis when taken in the legitimate sums in the eating regimen.
  • The hand-tailored copper bottles, Jugs, and Other Utensils battle free revolutionaries in the body and lift the stomach-related framework’s wellbeing.
  • We have an extensive variety of Copper bottles like Diamond copper bottles, printed copper bottles, pounded copper bottles, plain copper bottles,s and Copper container assortments like Printed, and plain Jug.
  • Additionally, many items incorporate the Copper god Statue like the Copper Ganesh symbol, Shiva icon Statue, Copper Buddha, the copper diva Temple, and so forth.

Bamboo Products

  • The principal thing that makes bamboo work is the way that it’s lovely to check out. It has a fascinating grain that is both exquisite and normal looking.
  • While feel is significant for any quality item, the advantages of a bamboo duplicate from that point.
  • Bamboo is a normally productive plant, it doesn’t need the utilization of synthetics and manures to develop it.
  • About the various items that can be produced using bamboo.
  • Like home Decorative things, Flooring, Furniture, restorative, bed sheets, cushion cover, food, wine, tea, Bear, Phone and PC cases Etc. The many purposes and advantages of bamboo keep on expanding as people go to natural, eco-accommodating items.

Garment Products

  • Having an extraordinary sleeping cushion, or your ideal duvet and pads can be adversely impacted on the off chance that the sheets you’re covering them with are off-base.
  • In any case, the wide range of choices, from material to wind to string count, can make the bed sheet purchasing process appear outlandishly convoluted.
  • Cotton, polyester, fiber, Egyptian cotton, material, silk, modular, Tentacle, and so on are different kinds of materials accessible on the lookout.
  • A towel is a piece of spongy texture or paper utilized for drying or cleaning a body or a surface.
  • It draws dampness through direct contact, frequently utilizing a smudging or a scouring movement. In families, a few sorts of texture towels are utilized, including hand towels, shower towels, and kitchen towels

PP products

  • Abeehridhan Export Import Pvt ltd bundling Products are known for their quality, sturdiness, and accuracy they accompany.
  • As a quality cognizant association, we guarantee quality meets greatness in our results.
  • Our adaptable and flexible bundling material is figured for its extraordinary elements like unbending bundling, splendid plans and prints, magnificent clearness, and effect strength.
  • Our bundling items are Cotton Bag, Eco well-disposed pack, Jute sack, handbag, paper sack, plastic sack, layered box, paper compartment, Mono container, and a lot more items.

Regular &
Organic Products

  • Various investigations have shown that different teas might help your resistant framework, fend off aggravation, and even avoid malignant growth and coronary illness.
  • While certain mixes give more well-being benefits than others, there’s a lot of proof that consistently drinking tea can lastingly affect your health.
  • Natural tea keeps a good overall arrangement of good microbes in your stomach-related framework and lifts your cell reinforcement level.
  • Research shows cell reinforcements can assist our bodies with remaining sound as we age, safeguarding against such age-related ailments as Alzheimer’s.
  • India is additionally among the world’s top tea-consuming nations, with 80% of the tea created in the nation consumed by the homegrown populace.

Dehydrate onion & Garlic

  • As explained before, dried-out onions are low in sodium, fat, and calories, consuming dried-out onions instead of different flavors can assist you with bringing down your gamble of coronary illness, diabetes, and hypertension.
  • Got dried-out onions to contain numerous useful supplements, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
  • The dynamic mixtures in got dried garlic can lessen pulse cardiovascular sicknesses like coronary failures and strokes.
  • Got dried out Garlic further develops cholesterol levels, which will bring down the gamble of coronary illness and can bring down aggregate and LDL cholesterol levels.